Born in 1976 in Ruse, my hometown is Silistre, which is located in Deliorman region of Bulgaria. After starting in Bulgaria, I continued my education in Turkey in 1989. Since then I have lived in İstanbul.

Having graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara as MD, I completed my specialization in General Surgery at İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, İstanbul. My thesis was on ‘Investigation of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Male Breast Cancer’. Following specialization, I served in the military at Van Military Hospital for one year. I worked at various hospitals in Istanbul both as a Surgeon and an Academician.

I am interested in Minimally Invasive Surgery including Robotic Surgery. I believe that the future of surgery is in the Robotic technology.

My hobbies are reading, chess, and basketball.

Since 2020, I have worked as Assoc. Prof. of General Surgery.